Dear friends,

         Considering that you have a unique opportunity to truthfully describe the situation in Yugoslavia we, the citizens of different countries, members of the Internet Parliament ask for your help. 
         Our goal is to contribute to the faster solution of the Yugoslavian crisis and therefore to the European stability. 
         In the meantime we have formulated a list of questions for the leaders of the countries currently participating in the actions led by NATO. We believe that the answers to these questions will clarify the views of the participating sides in many principal aspects. And therefore the answers will aid to provide an effective solutions for the situation of instability in Europe. 
         Please study the attached materials and help to distribute them.

          Members of Internet Parliament 


(we would like you to define more precisely)

  1. What have Kosovo Albanians gained from NATO's interference in the crisis since the 24 of March 1999?

  3. Who authorized NATO to solve sovereign country's problems (even if these problems are of the global humanitary kind) by force? 

  5. Do you see a difference between the war in Vietnam and the NATO's campaign in Yugoslavia? If so, please explain.

  7. Why do you think the NATO campaign against Milosevich's regime has lead to such a drastic decrease of his opposition in Serbia and to the growth of anti-American and anti-NATO movements around the world? 

  9. Please name at least one legal reason why President Milosevic and people of Yugoslavia should obey NATO decisions.

  11. Are any other countries or regional alliances but NATO allowed to interfere in foreign countries domestic problems without UN sanction or it is the exclusive right of NATO to do so? 

  13. Why do the alliance members, being aware that a lot of innocent people are going to die because of the bombings, justify the killing, calling it "civilian causalities"? Can such justifications be considered an excuse for the killings? 

  15. Are the means, which have led to the destruction of the infrastructure of the entire state and deaths of hundreds of innocent people, adequate to the goal of changing Milosevich's policy? 



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