Could you list the advantages your country gained as a
result of NATO air strikes on the Balkans comparing to situation existed
before bombings?
Who authorized NATO to solve sovereign country's problems
(even if NATO doesn’t approve this country’s domestic policy) by force?
Do you agree that such reason for NATO military interference,
as "We ought to conduct military action against Serbia since we are better
equipped for that " does not make any legal sense?
What difference can you see between Vietnam War and Balkan
Can you appraise the total amount of damage caused to
-your country
-Europe in whole
by air strikes?
Is your government planning to participate in the elimination
of war consequences and repair the damage caused by NATO operations?
How exactly?
What amount is supposed to be spent and from which
In your opinion, what positive outcome can be achieved
by launching ground troops in Yugoslavia for a solution of the Kosovo conflict
and European security?
What is your country's share of the costs spent for NATO
military action?
What is the political and economical outcome of the
What harm was caused to your country when the EURO rate
fall after the beginning of air strikes? Which of the alliance members
gained from these events?
Why do you think NATO attacks on Milosevic regime caused
great reduction of the Serbian opposition supporters and increasing of
anti-NATO and anti-American movements around the world?
Is there, in your opinion, any principle difference between
ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and Turkish military operations on Kurds territory?
On what basis does NATO decide to rise on ultimatum to
legally elected foreign government?
Is alliance going to pay reimbursement to the relatives
of the victims killed by NATO?
Are any other countries or regional alliances but NATO
allowed to interfere in foreign countries domestic problems without UN
Why the alliance members, being aware that a lot of innocent
people are going to die because of the bombings, justify the killing, calling
it “civilian causalities”?
Can this be considered an excuse for the killings?
Is it OK to kill innocent civilians in order to put more
pressure on the President Milosevic, described by mass media as a dictator,
who doesn’t care about his people?
Is it possible that Balkan war would cause more "threshold
countries" to design and implement nuclear and biological weapons of their
own? Can it lead to further escalation of conflicts and instability throughout
the globe?
Please name at least one legal reason why should President
Milosevic and people of Yugoslavia obey NATO decisions?
What caused weekly delay of the release of "Legal Basis
for NATO Military Action Taken Against Serbia/Montenegro" document?
What purpose was it created for?
What is its status from UN Statuses and Regulations
point of view?
Is your country a one which law recognizes "the treaty
signed in the presence of force" being valid?
What is the reason for NATO assault on the Serbian broadcast
facilities: the military functions of these facilities or attempts of Serbian
journalists to express their own opinion, which could be different from
one of western media?